1. Use vanadium pentoxide and potassium sulfate as a catalyst, silica gel as a carrier, and oxidize with air at 385-390°C to obtain phthalic anhydride. It is oxidized with chromium oxide in acetic acid solution to generate α-naphthoquinone. Hydrogenation produces tetrahydronaphthalene, and further hydrogenation produces decalin. Under the catalysis of ferric chloride, chlorine gas is passed into the benzene solution of naphthalene, and α-chloronaphthalene is mainly obtained. Under light, it reacts with chlorine to generate tetrachloronaphthalene. The nitration of naphthalene is easier than that of benzene and can be carried out at room temperature. The main product is α-nitronaphthalene. The sulfonation products of naphthalene are related to temperature, and α-naphthalenesulfonic acid is obtained at low temperature, and β-naphthalenesulfonic acid is mainly obtained at higher temperature.
2. Naphthalene has low water solubility and is not easily absorbed, so its toxicity is not too strong. Inhalation of concentrated naphthalene vapor or naphthalene powder can induce vomiting, discomfort and headache. In particular, it damages the cornea, causing small blisters and spot-like turbidity, and can also cause inflammation of the skin, and sometimes cause pathological changes in the lungs, and can also damage the kidneys and cause hematuria, but it is not carcinogenic. The maximum allowable concentration of naphthalene in the workplace is 10×10-6. Production equipment and containers should be sealed to prevent the escape of vapor and powder, and forced ventilation at the operation site. If poisoning occurs, move to fresh air immediately, drink plenty of hot water to make them vomit, and give artificial respiration. In severe cases, send them to hospital for treatment.
3. Stability and stability
4. Incompatible materials Strong oxidants (such as chromic anhydride, chlorate and potassium permanganate, etc.)
5. Polymerization hazards, no polymerization